Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wolfdog Health: Hot Spots

The hot, humid and rainy weather we've been experiencing increases the likelihood of hot spots on wolf-dogs and northern breeds, especially those who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Moisture after a rain can be trapped under a thick double coat and kept moist in the humidity, creating the perfect storm for these quickly out of control sores.

Prevention is important. If your animal is still blowing his coat, do your best to help it along with good grooming or help them dry out occasionally if they tolerate a blow dry on a cool setting. Bring them inside to cool off and dehumidify in the air conditioning if possible.

Other causes for hot spots are insect bites, allergies, anxiety (licking), areas over bony prominences, anal gland irritation, and the moist areas where skin meets skin, like ear flaps.

Watch for: signs of irritation, scratching, licking, nibbling, rubbing. Check the area and take preventive measures such as, a an E collar or socks over claws because hot spots can progress into an oozing sore in a matter of hours.

Seek veterinary care.

For more about hot spots.

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