Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dogs: How Wolves Became Man's Best Friend

Dear Humans,

A long long time ago, wolves saw humans as similar to themselves.

Humans hunted and lived in family packs, they communicated in song and body-language, and they were gentle and attentive to their offspring. But... they were vulnerable creatures, without strong teeth, fur, or speed.

So, the wolves offered some of their own to befriend the humans.

The wolves asked these ambassadors to do three things:

To keep humans safe and bare their teeth at enemies.
To keep humans warm as they slept.
And to use their speed to help humans hunt.

These original wolves quickly became man's best friends, and were given new names, like dog, perro, and chien to honor their loyalty.

Celebrate the dog and love him for what he is, a symbol of the wild designed for humans as a testament of our respect for mankind.

The Wolves

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